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Unit 731 Testimony: Japan's Wartime Human Experimentation Program
PDF Ebook Unit 731 Testimony: Japan's Wartime Human Experimentation Program
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"A fascinating but disturbing read. The author splits this book up into two sections, the first being the history of the unit and the second testimonies from those who served in it. Coming into this book with only a basic knowledge of what this unit represented I walked away with a good understanding of it. The author tackles what is a difficult subject matter in an engaging manner that brings the full horror of live human experimentation and all that it encompasses to the reader's attention. All in all a well-balanced read." —Goodreads
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Product details
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Tuttle Publishing; 1 edition (April 15, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0804835659
ISBN-13: 978-0804835657
Product Dimensions:
5.2 x 0.8 x 8 inches
Shipping Weight: 9.9 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.4 out of 5 stars
76 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#94,077 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
The fact that the capacity exists in some people to treat other humans ... other men ... women and children ... babies, in this way is terrifying, and beyond understanding. They are monsters ... unfeeling, uncaring, heartless, sadistic monsters. That is the only explanation. No normal person could do the things these men did and be able to live with themselves. I thought I could never read anything as horrifying as Holocaust memoirs but the Japanese military during that time frame have proven me incorrect.This is a very detailed and informative account.
Nazi experimentation on human beings is infamous. Japanese experimentation is relatively unknown, although arguably even more monstrous, and in addition the Japanese waged biological warfare during WWII and its run-up. Much of the Japanese experimentation and biological warfare were conducted under the auspices of something called Unit 731. Knowing next to nothing about Unit 731 I searched the Amazon website for a book to learn about it, and settled on Hal Gold's UNIT 731 TESTIMONY. It has its merits, but it also has its faults.Half of the book is a historical summary. Unit 731 had its roots in commendable Japanese efforts, beginning in the 1890s, to reduce loss of life among its soldiers to infection and disease. As a consequence, by the early twentieth century "Japanese military medicine and wartime bacteriology were the best in the world." However, along with the development of aggressive and racist imperialism, the "original bacteriological aims of Japan * * * warped in the direction of causing, rather than preventing and curing, disease."Most of the activities of Unit 731 were conducted with Chinese subjects in Manchuria. What follows are some of those immensely disturbing activities, as recounted by Gold: Some people were starved to see how long they could live on water alone. Blood was withdrawn from others at periodic intervals to see how little blood was necessary for life. Diseases - such as plague, cholera, typhus, syphilis, and epidemic hemorrhagic fever -- were intentionally introduced into people and the progression of their destruction of the human organism was carefully charted. Researchers even practiced vivisection, strapping down on operating tables their human subjects (commonly called "murata" or "logs" by the Japanese) and removing and examining their diseased interiors, sometimes without anesthesia. In one research project into the best treatment for frostbite, the limbs of subjects were frozen by repeatedly soaking them with water in a frigid environment; when striking the limb with a club made a sound like a wooden board being hit, it was sufficiently frozen to begin testing different methods of treatment. The Japanese also developed biological warfare bombs, and they conducted several experimental attacks, most notably on the port of Ningbo in October 1940, where plague germs (or plague-infected fleas) mixed with wheat, corn, and cotton where dispersed from the air.One reason the Japanese human experimentation program is relatively unknown is that the United States perceived value in the information developed by Unit 731, and the quid pro quo for getting as much of that information as possible was shielding Unit 731 personnel from war crime prosecutions and obscuring the traces of their operations wherever and however possible. That cover-up dovetailed with the overall amnesiac denial regarding WWII that settled in among the Japanese people in general.Beginning in the 1990s, however, a grass-roots movement arose among many now aged Japanese who had been witnesses to, or even participants in, the operations of Unit 731 to tell what they knew (or remembered) about Unit 731 rather than take their secrets to their graves. To do so was deeply cathartic for many. The second half of this book consists of excerpts of testimony from twenty-four of these Japanese. Much of that testimony is riveting and harrowing. The individual details are, of course, inherently suspect for a number of reasons, but the testimonies nonetheless constitute evidence that needs to be weighed and incorporated into the historical account of Unit 731.As wrenching and worth preserving as these testimonies are, I was looking for a more conventional historical account of Unit 731. The first half of UNIT 731 TESTIMONY is only so-so as conventional history. The book includes a six-page bibliography, but there are no footnotes. Gold writes in a journalistic, summary fashion. His writing is often clichéd and mediocre, and too frequently it borders on sensationalism. He also is prone to insinuation and innuendo, as for example in his suggestions that the United States used the fruits of Unit 731 research in conducting bacteriological warfare against North Korea and his passing on the hypothesis that AIDS was developed at Fort Detrick as part of the American biological warfare program. As a result, Gold leaves this reader with a nagging skepticism concerning virtually everything in the book. Much of what he reports probably is accurate, but I will have to read about it elsewhere in a more rigorous work of history before I truly feel confident about it.
This is a precise, clear and concise account of the experimentation conducted at Unit 731, but which extended far beyond the area and involved the Japanese medical community [ since results and samples were shared for further research at other medical faculties/facilities including Tokyo University], as well Japan's ruling elite, which was well aware of the thrust of Japan's research into biological warfare, for the sole purpose of economically controlling large swathes of territory and resources and opening economic markets. The first part of the book is a historical overview, the second is transcribed testimony from perpetrators. The language is never emotionally loaded, and Hal Gold is more than fair to the participants, who give testimony in their own voices and of their own account, not at Soviet trials, as some reviewers have suggested.Obedience, loyalty to the emperor, the country above the individual, the place of inferior races is heard over and over in those testimonies about the events at Unit 731, where ostensibly research was conducted into biological warfare yet included rounding up of White Russian, Korean, and Chinese civilians, termed maruta [logs], for appalling experiments that included vivisection without anesthesia, incredibly cruel experimentation into the effects of frostbite, beheadings, bayonetings, syphilis trials on women and their unborn children and the release of pathogens onto the Chinese population, 20 million of whom were killed during WWII.Appalling enough in itself, yet the fact that these war criminals were given amnesty by the Americans in exchange for their research findings, that most went on to public careers after the war, that some medical researchers continued to receive regular payments from unknown sources for years afterward, that Americans further developed Japanese discoveries at their own facilities, including the horrible defoliants used in Viet Nam, and that so many Japanese are still in denial or ignorant of the atrocities perpetuated by the Imperial Army is so terribly shocking.The world could be such a beautiful place to live in and yet our leaders are still all about war, control and economic exploitation at the expense of the planet and all the creatures that live on it. Sad and frightening.
This is a very good report on Unit 731, and it's organization. It details in some length what the experiments, research, activities, testing and developing biologic and chemical warfare weapons conducted by Unit 731 in total disregard of the Hippocratic oath, the lives or rights of other human beings. That's just the first half of the book. the second half reveals some of the testimony made by individuals who worked at unit 731. It is a disturbing story. Perhaps the only things more disturbing are that the Japanese themselves are for the most part ignorant of what happened, and who was responsible, and the fact that the US government covered it up and is still covering it up. I think that the chemical warfare attacks on Chinese civilians, which resulted in hundreds, if not thousands, of deaths were not very well covered. The fact that Unit 731 was responsible for tens of thousands of deaths is not hushed up.
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