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Large-Scale C++ Software Design
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From the Inside Flap
As a member of the IC Division at Mentor Graphics Corporation, I am fortunate to have worked with many bright, talented software engineers, developing very large systems. Back in 1985, Mentor Graphics became one of the first companies to attempt a truly large project in C++. Back then no one knew how to do that, and no one could have anticipated the cost overruns, slipped schedules, huge executables, poor performance, and incredibly expensive build times that a naive approach would inevitably produce. Many valuable lessons were learned along the way - knowledge obtained through bitter experience. There were no books to help guide the design process; object-oriented designs on this scale had never before been attempted. Ten years later, with a wealth of valuable experience under its belt, Mentor Graphics has produced several large software systems written in C++, and in doing so has paved the way for others to do the same without having to pay such a high price for the privilege. During my 13 years as a C (turned C++) Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software developer, I have seen over and over again that planning ahead invariably produces a higher-quality, more maintainable product. My emphasis at Mentor Graphics has been on helping to ensure that quality is an integral part of the design process from the very start. In 1990 I developed the graduate course "Object-Oriented Design and Programming" at Columbia University. As the instructor of this course since 1991, I have had the opportunity to share many of the insights that we at Mentor Graphics gained during our industrial-strength software development efforts. Questions and feedback from literally hundreds of graduate students and professional programmers have helped me to crystallize many important concepts. This book is a direct result of that experience. To my knowledge, this is the first text that identifies development and quality issues that arise only in large C++ projects. I hope that this information will be as useful in your work as it is in mine. Audience Large-Scale C++ Software Design was written explicitly for experienced C++ software developers, system architects, and proactive quality-assurance professionals. This book is particularly appropriate for those involved in large development efforts such as databases, operating systems, compilers, and frameworks. Developing a large-scale software system in C++ requires more than just a sound understanding of the logical design issues covered in most books on C++ programming. Effective design also requires a grasp of physical design concepts that, although closely tied to the technical aspects of development, include a dimension with which even expert professional software developers may have little or no experience. Yet most of the advice presented in this book also applies to small projects. It is typical for a person to start with a small project and then begin to take on larger and more challenging enterprises. Often the scope of a particular project will expand, and what starts out as a small project becomes a major undertaking. The immediate consequences of disregarding good practice in a large project, however, are far more severe than they are for disregarding good practice in a smaller project. This book unites high-level design concepts with specific C++ programming details to satisfy two needs: An object-oriented design book geared specifically to practical aspects of the C++ programming language. A C++ programming book describing how to use the C++ programming language to develop very large systems. Make no mistake, this is an advanced text. This is not the book from which to learn C++ syntax for the first time, nor is it likely to expose you to the dark corners of the language. Instead, this book will show you how to use the full power of the C++ language in ways that scale well to very large systems. In short, if you feel that you know C++ well, but would like to understand more about how to use the language effectively on large projects, this book is for you. Examples in this Text Most people learn by example. In general, I have supplied examples that illustrate real-world designs. I have avoided examples that illustrate one point but have blatant errors in other aspects of the design. I have also tried to avoid examples that illustrate a detail of the language but serve no other useful purpose. Except where otherwise indicated, all examples in this text are intended to represent "good design." Examples presented in earlier chapters are therefore consistent with all practices recommended throughout the book. A disadvantage of this approach is that you may see code that is written differently from the code you are used to seeing, without yet knowing exactly why. I feel that being able to use all of the examples in the book for reference compensates for this drawback. There are two notable exceptions to this practice: comments and package prefixes. Comments for many of the examples in this text have simply been omitted for lack of space. Where they are presented, they are at best minimal. Unfortunately, this is one place where the reader is asked to "do as I say, not as I do" -- at least in this book. Let the reader be assured that in practice I am scrupulous about commenting all interfaces as I write them (not after). The second exception is the inconsistent use of package prefixes in the early examples of the book. In a large project environment package prefixes are required, but they are awkward at first and take some getting used to. I have elected to omit the consistent use of registered package prefixes until after they are formally presented in Chapter 7, so as not to detract from the presentation of other important fundamental material. Many texts note that inline functions are used in examples for textual brevity when illustrating intended functionality. Since much of this book is directly related to organizational issues such as when to inline, my tendency will be to avoid inline functions in examples. If a function is declared inline, there is a justification for it beyond notational convenience. Developing large systems in C++ is a constant series of engineering trade-offs. There are almost no absolutes. It is tempting to make statements using words such as never and always. Such statements allow for a simplified presentation of the material. For the level of C++ programmers whom I expect will read this book, such sweeping statements would be challenged - and rightly so. To avoid getting side-tracked in such situations, I will state what is (almost) always true, and then provide a footnote or a pointer to the exceptional case. There are a variety of popular file name extensions used to distinguish C++ header files and C++ implementation files. For example: Header File Extensions:.h .hxx .H .h++ .hh .hpp Implementation File Extensions: .c .cxx .C .c++ .cc .cpp Throughout the examples we consistently use the .h extension to identify C++ header files and the .c extension to identify C++ implementation files. In the text, we will frequently refer to header files as .h files and to implementation files as .c files. Finally, all of the examples in this text have been compiled and are syntactically correct using SUN's version of CFRONT 3.0 running on SUN SPARC stations, as well as on HP700 series machines running their native C++ compiler. Of course, any errors are the sole responsibility of the author. A Road Map There is a lot of material to cover in this book. Not all readers will have the same background. I have therefore provided some basic (but essential) material in Chapter 1 to help level the field. Expert C++ programmers may choose to skim this section or simply refer to it if needed. Chapter 2 contains a modest collection of software design rules that I would hope every experienced developer will quickly ratify. Chapter 0: Introduction. An overview of what lies in wait for the large-scale C++ software developer. PART I: BASICS Chapter 1: Preliminaries. A review of basic language information, common design patterns, and style conventions used in this book. Chapter 2: Ground Rules. Important design practices that should be followed in any C++ project. The remainder of the text is divided into two main sections. The first, entitled "Physical Design Concepts," presents a sequence of important topics related to the physical structure of large systems. The material in these chapters (3 through 7) focuses on aspects of programming that will be entirely new to many readers, and cuts right to the bone of large program design. This section is presented "bottom up," with each chapter drawing on information developed in previous chapters. PART II: PHYSICAL DESIGN CONCEPTS Chapter 3: Components. The fundamental physical building blocks of a system. Chapter 4: Physical Hierarchy. The importance of creating a hierarchy of components with acyclic physical dependencies for testing, maintainability, and reuse. Chapter 5: Levelization. Specific techniques for reducing lin
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From the Back Cover
Developing a large-scale software system in C++ requires more than just a sound understanding of the logical design issues covered in most books on C++ programming. To be successful, you will also need a grasp of physical design concepts that, while closely tied to the technical aspects of development, include a dimension with which even expert software developers may have little or no experience. This is the definitive book for all C++ software professionals involved in large development efforts such as databases, operating systems, compilers, and frameworks. It is the first C++ book that actually demonstrates how to design large systems, and one of the few books on object-oriented design specifically geared to practical aspects of the C++ programming language. In this book, Lakos explains the process of decomposing large systems into physical (not inheritance) hierarchies of smaller, more manageable components. Such systems with their acyclic physical dependencies are fundamentally easier and more economical to maintain, test, and reuse than tightly interdependent systems. In addition to explaining the motivation for following good physical as well as logical design practices, Lakos provides you with a catalog of specific techniques designed to eliminate cyclic, compile-time, and link-time (physical) dependencies. He then extends these concepts from large to very large systems. The book concludes with a comprehensive top-down approach to the logical design of individual components. Appendices include a valuable design pattern "Protocol Hierarchy" designed to avoid fat interfaces while minimizing physical dependencies; the details of implementing an ANSI C compatible C++ procedural interface; and a complete specification for a suite of UNIX-like tools to extract and analyze physical dependencies. Practical design rules, guidelines, and principles are also collected in an appendix and indexed for quick reference. 0201633620B04062001
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Product details
Paperback: 896 pages
Publisher: Addison-Wesley; 1 edition (July 20, 1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0201633620
ISBN-13: 978-0201633627
Product Dimensions:
7.4 x 1.9 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.3 out of 5 stars
31 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#182,211 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
A truly ground-breaking book in 1996, it is no less useful today as a guide to, well, as the title says, large-scale software design. And although some of the concepts and implementation ideas are specific to the C/C++ family of languages, the principles are, to a surprising extent, language neutral. Even in the cases where the build/interpret systems of other languages would allow relaxing some of the design rules with no manifest issues, virtually all of the rules contribute to arbitrarily large software systems that are easy to use, understand, and maintain. This book is a must-read for every student and professional who aspires to the title of software engineer.
quintesential fare if you lead huge, complex software projects, not even in C++. The style is glutonous and some of the material presented as religious truths while they are simply experi3nce based opinions. The structure laid out however exposes some of the 'laws of physics of large software bodies' and is therefore a must read for a _practicing_ architect, i.e. not someone who stays in 'models' only but is concerned how to get the actual code to work and be maintianble over long periods of time.
One of the few texts in the literature to deal with development and quality issues that arise in large C++ projects.It introduces the concept of component and package as the unit of physical design. On this concepts the text develops extremely valuable design rules, practices and techniques (to name a few: factoring, escalating encapsulation, protocol classes, fully insulating concrete classes) to obtain critical qualities (like levelization and insulation) for large-scale C++ projects.The text gives also rules and techniques that address logical design issues in perfect harmony with the techniques related to physical design issues.Although it was written back in 1997, the book remains as timely as ever, given that exposes the same problems that justify the likely introduction of Contracts and Modules in the next C++17 standard.I strongly recommend the book to any C++ developer who wants to take advantage of the precious experience gained by the author in the context of really large C++ projects.
This book is a must-read for any serious C++ programmer. Why? Because it is the only decent treatment of physical C++ design available.Physical design issues, if not addressed, will inexorably cripple any sufficiently complex, performance-sensitive C++ project. Moreover, there is never any time to worry about physical design quality in the heat of battle, so you really need to deal with it up front.Having said that, the book is not without its flaws.First, the age of the text is evident. It doesn't address the interchangeability of typedefs and classes for certain purposes, it doesn't fully appreciate the power of namespaces, and it is rife with "the World didn't go that way" conventions. Fortunately, this doesn't prevent the book from getting its point across, but you do need to take some of its "rules" with a grain of salt.Second, it's longer than it needs to be. This isn't so much of a liability, because it reads faster as a result. Still, its redundancy and long-windedness is sometimes tedious.But all in all, if you've bothered to read this review, then you probably ought to own a copy of this book.
This book was recommended to me by a professor. It is very enlightening book about OOP programming and even though this books older it is very much in line with a lot of videos I am seeing online. I would recommend this book if you have programmed your self into a corner multiple times with C++ or another OOP language.
This is a superb book on software design. While clearly intended for those working on large-scale projects with a broad base of users, the principles discussed are rock solid for even the smallest project. It illustrates a higher level of C++ where objects are not just used because they can represent complex concepts nicely but because proper object-orientation is insurance against many coding evils - exactly the evils which can sabotage large-scale software projects.
I read this book back in 1998. It is the foundation for my understanding of the design of object oriented software. Prior to reading this book I programmed in C++ for more than 8 years. It was apparent to me that there were gaps in my understanding of how to design medium and large scale object oriented systems. This is a huge and dense book, but as I read through it, many times a light went on in my head (those ah ha moments).The book also gives specific details about consideration for the C++ language. C++ has changed over the years, and the examples do not use newer language features. I do not feel that this is important. The code clearly illustrates the ideas, which are not limited by the state of C++ at the time the code was written.Regardless of the object oriented language you use to develop software this book will teach invaluable concepts that I have not found explained elsewhere.
Good book but a bit dated. Modern C++ features have obsoleted some of the advice in here, but the focus is right. I'm looking forward to the next edition of this, due out some time soon.
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